Supporting your child: what to look for
Abuse can be hard to spot, especially if your child (or the person abusing them) is trying to hide it. That doesn’t mean you should go snooping — respecting their privacy is an essential part of maintaining trust — but keeping an eye out for early warning signs of abuse can help you identify if they’re involved in an abusive relationship before the situation escalates.
If you do notice these signs, remember that it’s important to respect the decisions they make for themselves if you want them to trust you.
Signs your child's relationship may be abusive include:

Extreme jealousy or possessiveness from your child’s partner.
Unexplained marks, bruises, or injuries.
Constant emails, texts, or calls from their partner.
Depression or anxiety.
Decreased interest in extracurricular activities or other interests.
Isolation from other friends and family.
Changes in appearance including clothes, makeup, or hairstyle.
Abuse to other people or animals from your child’s partner.